
Asaverylastresort,MEGAismakinguserswithexcessstorage,whohaveconsistentlyignoredallpriorstorageconsumptionwarnings,eligibleforthedeletion ...,2018年5月15日—Myharddriveisfull,butaccordingtothesizeofallmyfolders,·hard-drive ...,2014年8月14日—常常在下載數個Mega檔案之後,就會出現錯誤訊息「Errorwritingfile,isyourharddrivealmostfull?(getFile)」。確認...

What happens when my account is over my storage limit?

As a very last resort, MEGA is making users with excess storage, who have consistently ignored all prior storage consumption warnings, eligible for the deletion ...

Hard drive full, but files folders don't add up to used ...

2018年5月15日 — My harddrive is full, but according to the size of all my folders, I should have more than half of my drive left over. windows-10 · hard-drive ...

出現「is your harddrive almost full」的錯誤@ 平凡的幸福(備站

2014年8月14日 — 常常在下載數個Mega檔案之後,就會出現錯誤訊息「Error writing file, is your harddrive almost full? (getFile)」。 確認硬碟還有空間,關掉Chrome ...

Issue with MEGA taking up space on C

2015年5月14日 — Type in mega in the search box and under there will be File system just click remove option in there and your space will be ...

How to Fix “Your In

2022年12月12日 — Use a Different Web Browser to Download Your File From the Cloud Storage · Use the Mega App to Download Your Files · Clear Mega's Cookies in Your ...

How To Fix Error "Your In

2022年8月10日 — Clear Hard Drive Storage Space. Removing software interfering with your browser's performance will enable it to download files more efficiently.


您可以在電腦和雲端硬碟的特定資料夾之間建立選擇性同步,而不是將整個雲端硬碟與MEGA桌面應用程式同步,這可能可以減少本地磁碟空間的消耗。瞭解如何操作。在未來,我們 ...

Disk Full After Mega Downloads?

2021年5月2日 — It could be in one of the sub-folders... but you're really grasping at straws here. Delete some files, create some space, re-download the file.

使用Chrome下載Mega檔案,出現「is your harddrive almost ...

2014年8月14日 — 常常在下載數個Mega檔案之後,就會出現錯誤訊息「Error writing file, is your harddrive almost full? (getFile)」。 確認硬碟還有空間,關掉Chrome ...